Shankar Kumaran conducted the Shraddha workshop on 2- 4 June 2013. He introduced the Panchakoshas, the five layers of human existence to the campers. His sessions focused on increasing concentration and awareness through various kind of activities. Breathing exercise to control and change emotions were also introduced. Games and classes helped the Yuva to realize and recollect the innocence they had left behind, in the venture towards so-called ‘maturity’. He also gave activities to help the campers learn and enhance the power and sensitivity of all sense organs.

Learnt how to mingle with everyone without any fear.
– Pranav S
Shankarji is one whom I met first in this family. He taught us how to feel and experience ourselves. Now if I know who I am, it is also because of Shankarji. Thank you for giving me this chance.
– Prabu Vignesh S
Learnt a lot. The most important thing is, having control of annamaya, manomaya, pranamaya, and vigyanamaya koshas are the goals in our life whereas attaining anandamaya kosha is the ultimate purpose in my life. The paper tearing session was the best which bought the innocence out of me and I am really thankful to Shankar Sir for providing us with this wonderful opportunity.
– Vasudevan N
Shraddha never let the spirit of the camp to go down. It maintained a balance between joy and boredom. In that way it was an essential part of the camp.
– Jayadev HR
Wow! Never in the world did I think that life’s most important aspects can be conveyed in this manner. I salute the approach. It was thought-provoking and blissful.
– Aiswarya PL
It was really amazing and had a very good time. I got lots of information which I have not known these many days.
– Priyadharshini J
It was practically explained what Shraddha is through all the amazing games. Thank you so much, Sir, for bringing back the innocence in me one more time.
– Neeraja Valsan

He is such an amazing guy and super cool.
– Arun Prasath B
Shraddha session was awesome, I can’t express it in words.
– Ruxana.V.P
The most interesting session.. He made us to go back to being little children. We were doing what we felt like doing. We were not thinking about what others will think about us. Each and every moment we were enjoying, and I think we all are happy now.
– Saranya
He made me ask “why in the world should I be serious all time? “. It’s one life and definitely, I am happy that I got to meet such fantastic people here.
– Geethanjali VS
Though Shankarji had designed those sessions with fun and entertainment, the original purpose for developing Shraddha and lifting ourselves from Annamayakosha to Anandamayakosha, which was well understood.!
– Aswathi Krishna RL
His class was truly remarkable. He has taught us the essentials of life in interesting ways that will never fade from our minds. His classes were very scientific apart from the usual lectures that we used to have in schools and colleges. I would like to add that he is a man of great genius. I am very grateful for all his efforts.:)
– Anjali Anil
Shankar chettan, an awesome human being who is innocent at heart and taught us the value of being innocent. He made us realize the meaning of life and showed us where we can correct ourselves. He gave me a wider perspective of my skills and the fortune of having a perfect body and life. I started to respect people with disabilities for their courage and patience. Thank u so much, Chetta.
– Arjun CB
The best I have had in my life. Every thing he said, inspired me totally. Even now I feel so happy to meet that great man, Shankar ji
– Harisankar KH
In Shankar chettan’s class, I realized how serious I had become as I grew. His class brought back my innocence and enthusiasm. He also thought about the koshas and that the only necessity needed for our survival is happiness.
– Abhishek Suratkal

The moment I saw Shankarji, I didn’t think he was capable of making every moment so joyous and lively. I was wrong. He reminds me of Br. Manoj’s activities, jokes, and compliments that he did in camps. The session was awesome and hope to attend more in the future.
– Sujith P Shaju
In the first, this was the most confusing class but I understood the values which was taught by Shankar ji. I am inspired by him, and the way he teaches is awesome.
– Rahul Kowshik R
Shraddha classes made us realize about our self, the common misconception on who we are. Shankar sir teaches the concepts with the help of various activities, which we all enjoy.
– Nishanth Bhat K
I am doing my MCA and I was worried about the fact that IT people have higher stress levels than any other professionals according to statistics. I was searching for the reason and I got the answer through one of his class, which helps me a lot. Thank you Sir.
– Koushik KKS
Shraddha class helped me to know what is faith and the full meaning of Shraddha i.e. explore, inquiry, awareness, etc.
– Ram Prasath VR
Made me find who I am.
– Prashanth S

Shankarji is the coolest person I’ve ever met. I enjoyed his classes to the core.
– Divyaprasaath S
Shankar sir was a great person who was very friendly with all and taught us more things and give us more inspiration as he taught and more lessons. We all loved it and we miss him a lot.
– Sreeragh
Shankarji- a person filled with life and enthusiasm that is unmatched by any other teacher that I have come across so far. We rediscovered the childhood innocence that we had lost. The most memorable part of it was the “paper abhishekam”. Ji, you taught us to look into ourselves more than anything else.
– Hrishikesh Sivanandan
I just enjoyed it to the core.
– Balakrishnaveni A