Love everything and be happy.
– Aswathi T.S.
I have learnt that nothing in this universe is a waste, everything has value and there is no end for anything. Everything undergoes a change. I learnt that happiness can be found within and that no external thing can give us complete happiness. Love is the best medicine in the world.
– Pranav.S
I understood that I am not what I think I am. Be happy always. Don’t hate anyone and very importantly ‘LOVE EVERYTHING’.
– Amritasindhu M
I learnt the greater aspects of life.
– Thiru Rama Krishnan.T
Am living in this world as a devotee. That’s my success. Thank you for everything.
– Prabuvignesh.S
There are no ordinary moments. Live this moment.
– Jayadev H R
I felt that I should be more concentrated on the work I do and love everyone equally whether he/she is your friend or enemy.
– Miryala.Akhil Bharadwaj Maharaj
The camp made me to live in the present always. It taught me a lesson, “Don’t think about the past and don’t worry about the future”. It also taught me to accept everything happily, love everything and everyone as you love yourself and be fully dedicated to what you do always.
– J.Priyadharshini
It changed my whole attitude about my life. I valued things that were not so essential in life. I broke into tears when situations would change my life. I now have a clear vision as to what is necessary and no matter how much I fall I will rise to a great height.
– Neeraja Valsan
I learnt personal responsibility and social responsibility.
– Arun Prasath B
I have confidence, now I don’t have stage fear and also know more about life.
– Ruxana.V.P
Changed my mindset towards life.
– Saranya.
I have learned to smile and be happy in my life, come what may. I will strive to swim against the current.
– Geethanjali. V. S
My confidence in me has increased. My stage fear has decreased. It gave me new lessons, new friends, new family. Loved it. Waiting for more such camps.
– Akhila A
A lot of changes. I thought I was in the dustbin in my career but now I understood I can make it a garden out of it after hearing all the sessions. Then I understood my purpose and also who I am. My confidence level increased a lot!!!!
– Aarathy E R
I know how to live, how to stay happy, and how to fix my goals now.
– Aswathi Krishna R.L
Learnt self-confidence, to love everyone even our enemies, and withstand our sorrow conditions in life.
– Silpasree S.J
The only thing which I can say is that I am not the same person that I was before coming to this camp. It changed me a lot and helped me in evolving myself to a better person.
– Anjali Anil
From everyone’s lecture I understood that if you are passionate about doing something, God will show you the way. What I have learned is to believe in yourself, pray, and you will be able to do what others call impossible.
– Harisankar.K.H
I had so many regrets in my life and I had always taken situations so emotionally that it affected me so much. Now, I learned to detach myself to joy and sorrow and learned the most important value that is to be imbibed in me and the message that is being conveyed is HAPPINESS!!
– Sujith Paliath Shaju
My attitude and my happiness is the change that this camp brought in me. I am happy and at the highest after years. I had totally forgotten it and I regained it here. Thanks to Gitamritam team.
– Dilip kumar.B

This camp made me change the way I think. I came to know how we should lead our life.
– Nishanth Bhat K
I learnt many things. First I would like to touch Dhyanji`s feet because he polished me like anything. Even though my mom gave me birth, Dhyanji filled meaning in my life.
– Koushik K K S
After years I am living.
– Sathyamoorthy.A
Learnt how to balance our life and how to live happily.
– Ram Prasath V R
My “Attitude” has changed.
– Prashanth S
It gave me an idea of how to approach life and it has helped me to find a way to pursue my purpose.
– Divyaprasaath S
Well, nothing stupendous. But just that I felt alive and innocent again. Hope to stay like this all my life.
– Hrishikesh Sivanandan
It thought me how to be happy, which I was searching for.
– Balakrishnaveni.A
I learned to be happy. My view of life changed. Now I have a Long Term Goal-to be a devotee. I will not be a useless girl anymore. Now I think I will be able to retain my inner calm even when I am sad.
– Gayathri P.S
I guess that for this question only time can answer, but I promise to put an effort to try out all those points which I felt I should follow after listening to the sessions! I really hope to change my perception towards life once I leave this camp which is for my own happiness!!
– Medhini Madhavan Menon
From this camp, I learned that it is important to identify your goal. For the first time in my life, I felt that I did something for the entire day and I was living.
– Parvathy Venugopal
I’m adding a summary of what I have learnt from all these eminent personalities and this Gita camp. It is all about believing in yourself, having a passion, having the courage and be brave enough to face the challenges in life, not succumbing to difficulties in life, learning from our mistakes and having the attitude of a karma yogi. And not going for what your parents and other people want but going for what you want and what makes you happy. Love life, love everyone, love Gita and embrace the fundamentals of Gita and we will be happy and successful.
– Anjani Kumar Pathak