Sunder G V
GITAMRITAM has helped me to work on freeing my mind from unnecessary attachments. I learned to balance my emotions and face all kind of irritations with a smile. I am delighted to find that this short camp could mould me this well. Will always try to maintain this.

Savitha Krishna
I used to cry if I feel sad or to get angry if things were not done according to my wish. After the camp I started helping my mother in the kitchen. Stopped scolding people for all the silly reasons. Started listening to people and then think in the right way. To free myself from the ego, started touching my parents feet. This is a major change in my life. Every day I thank God that I learnt GITA and thank GITA for changing my life.

Neti Sharath
I used to strive to receive love from others. I used to believe that only name and fame can get us happiness. I used to be dependent on friends for happiness. After GITAMRITAM, I learnt to find happiness within and started loving others selflessly.

Manaswini Reddy
I used to cry for all silly causes and believe that there is nobody to care for me. GITAMRITAM has taught me to remain neutral at all situations. I started loving myself and thereby everyone around me. From the example of Amma, who is smiling at all of us always, today, I am trying to bring that into practice. I smile whole heartedly at everybody and I get their affectionate smiles back!

Kavitha Murugan
I used to get depressed without realizing what is wrong and what is right. After this 7 days of GITAMRITAM, I am able to fight against my depression and bring back the control of my mind easily. Now I have become bold, fearless and could change the way I look at things.

Hrishikesh Sivanandan
I was an atheist, always believing that I am the creator of my life. This was my self-centered and egoistic perception of life which made me believe that life moves according to how we plan. GITAMRITAM not only helped correct these notions but also to eliminate the misconceptions about God. I could learn that God exists in each one of us, and to realize this, we just have to be — ‘ourselves’.

Haritha Sravani
I was egoistic, not knowing to respect others and worried more about the past/future than living in the present. These 7 days in GITAMRITHAM camp, made me a complete human being, clearing out all the bad traits in me. My mind and heart are much more purified today. With the help of GITA, all the negative qualities in me could be burnt and I became humble and responsible.

Harismitha Shanmughan
GITAMRITHAM has not only made me learn to control my emotions but also has helped me to realize that we have everything within us and there is nothing that we have to go in search of. After the camp, I try to not to spend much in TV and allow others to influence my positive changes. I am trying to be productive and creative.

Bharat G
GITAMRITAM has helped me bring changes to smaller things in life. I have learnt to kill my expectations, be happy, be patient and above all I could bring down my ego to a greater extent. I could now sense that my bond between family and friends have become much better. Thanks GITAMRITAM for being the cause for my happiness.

K Badrinath
I was kind of a person who worried more about changing others and feels bad when someone laughs at me or teases me. Today, if anyone laughs at me, I have learnt to ignore and politely smile back at them. I have learnt that I should get corrected before striving to correct others, start accepting things as it is.. “When Manasthithi changes, Paristhithi automatically changes”.

Aswathy Krishna
Earlier I was impatient and short tempered. I get frustrated and blame God for all the bad experiences that I had to face. I used to end up crying. GITAMRITAM is indeed was the best thing that could have happened in my life. I have learnt to smile and make others smile. Today, I regret for being ignorant on the power of Bhagavad Gita in the past.

Aarathy Ravindran
I used to cry for every silly cause. GITAMRITAM has changed this. I am now a strong person knowing how to politely refuse, help selflessly, take decisions on my own and congratulate someone from heart.

Anuroopa Shenoy
I used to feel ‘down’ when others tease, used to judge and asses others, set expectations from others felt inferior and had a lot of trouble in moving ahead in life and above all I was egoistic. With the effect of GITA, all these changed a lot. Now I look at people not to analyze them, but to enjoy. I started smiling at them for no reason. I would really like to thank ‘that Grace’. lt created a new ME, which I wouldn’t let die, may whatever happens.

Amruta Ramkrishna
Happy to remark that it was my 3rd successful
GITAMRITHAM camp. In each camp, doubtless, I could learn and cultivate positive qualities of life. For most of my troubling questions on life, GITA gave me the solution as ‘smile’ and
I strongly believe now, that, smile is an enabler to success.

Amrita Suresh
GITAMRITHAM taught me to accept things as it is
and to face all difficult situations with a smile. Looking at the autopsy table, l could realize the fact that though these bodies were at once taken extreme care of, all will end up in the similar way one day. So when we are alive, we should always try to do good to others. As a doctor I have learnt to be friendly with my patients, be considerate to their feelings. Above all I have started to treat my work more as a service than a job.

Achyut Krishna
I was kind of a person who did not know how to enjoy life. Today, I talk to plants, I cook along with my mom, I give my best while doing
anything without any expectations, I enjoy every second of my life. This was all because of the “Amritham” that I learned from GITAMRITHAM!

Jayadevan H R
I never expected Bhagavad Gita classes to be so creative and enjoyable.
I felt each and every minute idea of Gita to be a gem, which is priceless.

Medhini Menon
This Gitamiritam camp is the most wonderful camp anyone could get. It’s truly a lifetime opportunity and the perfect time to change our ideas about so called ‘happy life’.

I really wanted to say these days were the best days in my lifetime which taught me a lot, which are very worthy to life. I am thankful to Krishna who made me to take a decision to come to this camp.

Anjali Anil
It helped me a lot in boosting up my confidence and I believe that all the things that I learnt from the camp will help me further in my life, in all the spheres. This has inspired me to learn all the other chapters of Gita.

Abhishek S
The Gita has changed my perspective of looking into life. I can go back to the world and live peace fully in adversities. Gita has taught me to centered to the truth always and not to the external environment.

Shivkrishna A
GITAMRITAM did change the way how I think. I was a person who doesn’t believe in god. But after the Bhagavad Gita class I understand it is nothing but the dharmic consciousness in ourselves.

Abhinand N
Learning a part of Gita gave me a new perspective about life. I was able to relate it to some of the incidents of life, where I can apply that.

Nalini Nair
Gita changed my perspective to a lot of situations and I sensed a voluntary shift in my attitude towards life.

Meera Ramesh
I realised that there’s absolutely no point in living this life the way I used to live till now. I really never even dreamt that Bhagavad Gita would influence me this much.

Ramya N
The Gitamritam class was a turning point in my life.

Manikanta Sharma
The .apk file of my Gita has been just downloaded into the system with a sustainable effort I have upgraded my device and install, start using application into daily life.

Maya Murali
I learn from Gita if any sorrow will come to face with a smile & also don’t postpone our happiness.

Abhiram A K
I have realised that I am not the body I am the self.

Aniketh Girish
It was a real eye-opener. It showed me different aspects of life.

Kavuluri Manikanta Soma Aditya
I learnt the Gita in a practical way, which could be helpful later as we face practical situations.

Raksha R
The world is like a suffering patient, Gita is like a medical kit; our dharma is to apply the medicine, which in turn becomes our Karma.

Arunkrishna P
GITAMRITAM have given more grip to my life.

Gayathri Devi
Gita is not just a book, it is a way of life that is valid and will continue to do so until the world exists.

Nagakalyankumar E
“It made me think”. It taught about life.

Ritwik Gantayat
I got to relate Gita in my life and got to know what kind of a dead life I am living.

Praveen Raja P
The Gitamritam camp really helped me to view the world and its so-called problems at a completely different light. I was able to identify the basic truth of life and understand what true happiness is and how it is different from temporary joy.

Krishnan S
Made me think who i’m now.

Rintu Thomas
I got an introspection of my life.

Midhula S Pillai
I could find that now I can manage every difficulty in my life by applying Gita to it.

Nirmal Kumar
I got a crystal clear understanding of Gita not only literally but in practical life too.

Vikas Vinod
Even though I didn’t know Sanskrit I understood all the part of Gita class.

Anjaly R Prasad
It was the first time I am reading Gita. I understood how to lead a life in the present and future. My attitude towards the world also changed.

Rohan Mishra
I understand the purpose of my life and to be happy.

Agganoor Sharath Chandra Sagar
I was trying to find the essence of my life in order to create an ultimate goal in my life. This helped me in knowing “who am I?”.

Surabhi S
I realise that to experience permanent happiness, the only casual and easy way is to find our happiness in others happiness.

Sandra Sasi
I learned how to become happy in my life and also I learned who I am actually from Gita class.

Midhila John
I got a chance to self introspect myself.

Anjana C U
It is my life and I’m in 1st chapter of Gita.

Rahul C M
I got answers to many of my doubts. It gave me a proper insight into the eternal truth.

Devi Gayathri
I have only heard about Gita but not read it. Here I had a much deeper understanding and was stunned on learning it because I didn’t think it had such great relevance in daily life.
पठतु गीतां भवतु जेता || Learn Gita, be successful.