Asst. Professor, Cultural Education Department, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka. Teaching Indian psychology, Indian Culture, Yoga, Meditation, Bhagavad Gita & Mind management.

Studied at Veda Vijnana Gurukulam, Bangalore, Karnataka in the medium of Sanskrit.
First 3 years: Veda, Samskrita, Vyakaranam, Kavyas, Tarka Sangrah, Yoga.
Second 3 years: Ten Major Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Brahma-Sutra, Yoga- Sutra. (2003-2009)
Completed his BSc & MSc in Yoga. Currently pursuing PhD in Ancient Indian Gurukulam Pedagogy SVYASA University, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Project Undertaken:
Literary research titled, “Revelation of education through Adyathma Yoga” in 2006.
The concept of motivation, with reference to Mahabharath” in 2007.
experimental research on the topic, “the influence of ‘Brahma- muhurta’ on the ability to remember and focus attention in healthy male volunteers” as a part of the fulfilment of the master program, 2010.
Paper Presented:
“How to teach Indian Psychology” at Indian Psychology Institute, Bangalore
“Interpersonal Conflict Management using Upanishadic insights” at IBA, Bangalore
“Mahabharata and Management for Global Effectiveness” at IBA, Bangalore
Yoga Psychology at World Association for Vedic Studies, University of Massachusetts, USA
Key Attributes & Skills:
Yoga, meditation, krida-yoga (yogic games), yoga psychology, singing, pencil sketching, storytelling
Conducted many counselling programs for a variety of schools and colleges, various Summer Yoga Camps, and lots of Spoken-Samskrit Workshops.
I love to share. The Gurukulam education gave me the key to applying the vast knowledge of Upanishads into the day to day life, which influenced my way of looking into things. Research is my next passion. I love to work in the field of Mind, Brain, Emotions, Applied philosophy, Education System etc. For me, the light of my life comes from my CFL, i.e. Creativity, Flexibility and Innocence.