Currently the Director Anti Corruption Bureau, Mizoram. She has put in service for over 25 years providing not only the leadership of a high order but also showing initiative in treading into new professional areas. The officer is known for her ability to withstand pressure and take a principled professional stand on public interest issues.

She has served with the Delhi, Goa and the Arunachal Pradesh Police.
On deputation with the Central Bureau of Investigation for seven years.
Served as Commandant, 2nd Battalion of Arunachal Armed Police, deployed along with the terrorist infested border of Assam.
Established the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell of CBI in the year 2000, which was the first in India
As DCP (Crime against Women) Cell of the Delhi Police for a short stint in 1995, she registered the first case in India on incest, which brought this hitherto cupboard issue into the open.
Introduced a Psychological Test for Delhi Police Commandos in collaboration with clinical psychologists
As the Secretary of the Delhi Police Recruitment Board during 1997, she was the first to completely computerize the recruitment.
Special Commendation Certificate by the CBI (March 2013) for the exemplary investigation under her leadership,
Senior Chevening Fellow, one of the 12 candidates selected on merit from India for the prestigious “Globalisation & Leadership” programme conducted by the London School of Economics.
Publications & Research:
She has a penchant for application-oriented research.
Her thesis on the “Impact of Globalisation on Crime in the UK’” is published in the Indian Police Journal.
Written “Nigerian Criminals in India”, a paper based on her experiences in the CBI.
“Social Marketing for National Prestige Projects- A Social Change Campaign Model for the Commonwealth Games 2010” was chosen as one of the six best theses of the entire course and awarded the National Defense Council’s Book Prize in 2007.
Concern for the youth:
Runs a website called “”, which is a unique police public partnership to nurture young adults. This site provides free online mentoring and information to young adults by roping in experts in various fields.
Gitamritam speaker in the year 2013.