Priti Pravin Patkar, Founder, Executive Secretary Prerana. Project Director: Children Affected by AIDS project in red light areas. & Legal Intervention for Protection of Trafficked Victims.

- Founder, Exe. Secretary Prerana since foundation 1986 and full time since 1988.
- Project Director: Children Affected by AIDS project for children in red light areas supported by USAID / family Health International
- Project Director: Legal Intervention for Protection of Trafficked Victims
- Project Director: Victim Witness Protection USAID supported the project
- Project development (Concepts, project management, Project Monitoring & Evaluation)
- Administration (Legal matters, Accounts, Audit, Finance, and general Administration,
- Finance: (Project Grants, Donations, Resource mobilization)
- HRD: (Staff Selection, appointments, Training, Supervision)
- Director Care & Support Project for Rescued Girls and Women supported by CRS
- Director Anti-trafficking Centre of Prerana supported by Govt. of USA.
- Bachelor of Social Work, Uni. of Bombay. Gold Medalist.
- Masters in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
- India with Specialization in Community Development. Topped the University in the specialization.
- Certificate Course in Social Research Methodology- TISS. (Final submission to be made.)
Research Work:
- Completed Research Methodology I & II course at Tata Institute of Social Sciences
- One Year Certificate Course in Research Methodology at TISS
- Coordinator Mumbai chapter for the landmark study of Prostitution in India in 6 metropolitan cities by Central Social Welfare Board 1990.
- Research Co-Director “Six District Study of Trafficking of Children and the situation of children of trafficking victim women” Report published by UNICEF Maharashtra.
- Co-Director: Empirical Research On Sex Tourism on Indian West Coast sponsored & published by National Commission for Women India
- Director: Research project for UNDP in 2004. The interface between HIV and Trafficking
- the Young Achiever Award for 2001 by the Indo American Society, India
- The MASTEK Spirit of Making Difference Award 2003 (MASTEK a global IT company is known as MAJSEC in the U.S.) jointly with Mr Pravin Patkar
- The first Kalpana Chawla Award in March 2003
- The Anita Parekh Woman of the Year Award by Mid Town Rotary Club Mumbai in May 2003
- The Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Trophy 2005
- The Shikhar (the Summit) Award of Lakme. She was interviewed as the distinguished woman in the year 2006 in the “Lakme Fair & Lovely – Shikhar” programme on SONY Television.
- The Salute Award and felicitated by BIG 92.7 FM Radio on the occasion of 26th January 2007 the Indian Republic Day. Shared with Mr Pravin Patkar
- The Times Foundation award on the occasion of International Women’s day 2007
- Lucknow IIM & Laxmipat Singhania Young Leader Award 2010
Positions Held:
- ASHOKA FELLOW of the Ashoka Foundation USA, for 1988-92.
- Consultant, Project funding and project development policies. VOLKART FOUNDATION, India
- Member of the First National Level committee for “Prevention and Control of AIDS” appointed by the Govt. of India
- Member, Special Committee for Review of Legislation on Women, appointed by the Department of Women & Child Welfare, Govt. of India
- Member UNICEF Team to Sensitize and Train members of Judiciary (Judges) on CSE&T at JOTI Nagpur since 2001 up to date
- Visiting Resource Person, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, for the Training of Senior IPS police officers (Covenant Police Services) in social legislation, and vertical communication.
- Member: Mahila Dakshata Samiti to supervise five police stations in Zone II, in Mumbai in cases related to women 1996 up to date, appointed by the Commissioner of Police, Greater Mumbai.
- Member: Special State Level Committee for Rehabilitation of Trafficked Victims set up by the Maharashtra State Commission for Women Govt. of Maharashtra.
- Founder Member, Forum Against Child Sexual Exploitation, Mumbai.
- Member Expert Group on Women & Law of the National Commission for Women India 1999-2004
- Founder & National Convener Network Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking (NACSET)
- Co-Director, Anti-trafficking Center One of the two specialized Anti-trafficking Centres supported by U.S. Department of State in South Asia, through UNIFEM South Asia Regional Office (Looks after Research, Documentation, Clearing House of Information, Email Anti Trafficking News Service, Sensitization & Training, Networking, Advocacy & Lobbying etc on Trafficking)
- Member: Guidance & Monitoring Committee set up by High Court of Mumbai to supervise the Special Home for Rescued Juvenile Girls Deonar Mumbai.
- Member: State Level Advisory Committee Govt. of Maharashtra formed under the Immoral Traffic Act 1986. 2005 up to date
- Invited Member for Central Advisory committee Govt of India for implementation of anti-trafficking programmes.
Resource person:
- Resource Person 1st World Congress on HIV /AIDS at Yokohama Japan, 1996 invited and sponsored by WHO.
- Resource Person -International Abolitionist Federation Conference on Prevention of Prostitution, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991
- Resource Person UNDP-UN, International Workshop to Discuss Prevention and Trafficking in Women in Prostitution, 1992, Bangkok, Thailand
- Resource Person:-WHO – Community-Based Strategies to Develop HIV/ AIDS Programme/ Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, invited and sponsored by WHO, 1992.
- Resource Person: National Conference on Prevention of Women and Girls for Prostitution, organized by the National Human Rights Commission, in Goa, India, 1997.
- Participant-Asia Pacific Region Conference on Prevention of Trafficking of Girl Children for Prostitution, Mumbai 1997 Organized and sponsored by CEDPA, USA
- Resource Person: Asian Workshop to evolve anti-trafficking intervention programme of the Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2002
- Resource Person: International Summit on Women & Development, AWID Mexico, October 2002. Sponsored by USAID India
- Delegate: Invited by Govt. of Japan and ECPAT to participate In the Second World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in December 2001 at Yokohama Japan.
- Member Delegate: Invited by the US government under its “Professional Visit Programme Sept/Oct 98” to study the anti-trafficking initiative of the US Govt.
- Expert Panelist – U. N. Congress, Vienna in April 2000, to present the Prerana project as the Best Practice Model of working with Victims of Organized Crime: Trafficking. On the invitation of the U.N.
- Member Delegate: To meet Ms Madline Albright Secretary Department of State to discuss the problem of Trafficking in India in March 2000.
- Member Expert Committee on Law and Women National Commission for Women
- Co-Trainer: “Training of Trainers (ToT) on Trafficking” by Asian Partnership for Human Development Bangkok & Caritas India conducted at Sri Lanka in Feb 2001 for their country representatives/ delegates from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, & India.
- Trainer: From 1987 up to date for Vertical Interaction Programme for senior-most IPS officers from all over the country. Sensitization & Training on the social issue. Coordinated by TISS.
- Participated in Global Conference on Philanthropy June 2003 in San Francisco, US. Invited by Global Fund for Children to make the presentation
- Chief Coordinator: Anti Human Trafficking Trg of Police commissioned by UNODC and Maharashtra Police.
- Appointed on a Special Panel by the Supreme Court of India for the rehabilitation of prostituted women.
Attended several International conferences & workshops
Awards received by Prerana:
- Prerana received the UNAIDS Civil Society Award – 2006
- Prerana’s entry against Child Sexual Exploitation received BRONZE Goafest 2007
- Prerana’s entry against female foeticide received SILVER at the 53rd International Advertising Festival at Cannes in June 2006
- Prerana’s entry against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children was FINALIST at the 53rd International Advertising Festival at Cannes in June 2006
- Prerana’s entry “The Tip” brought a Silver World Medal to Leo while the Prerana press campaign mentioned above has been honoured with a Bronze World Medal.
- It is to be noted that the silver medal awarded to Leo for the Prerana TVC is a special grant from the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). This award represents topics most reflective of the aims and ideals of the UN.
- Bagged the Kusumtai Chaudhary Award – 2005
- STAR Impact International Award – the UK in Child Protection -2009
Married to Pravin Patkar
Gitamritam speaker in the year 2012.