Has anger become part of your work & life? Has it become a part of you?
In today’s world, we have become accustomed to having anger follow us like a shadow.
Join us for a special 3-day Bhagavad Gita camp designed for young working professionals to develop a basic understanding of Gita which helps see where the seeds of anger sprout and work towards eliminating it and manage your life better.
Gita’s importance and the core values it inculcates will be an asset in life. Some of the benefits are, it helps, achieve mental balance, enjoy your work, and lead a stress-free life etc.
This camp will have a creative blend of Gita classes for Life excellence, Guest Lectures, Workshops and Yoga & Meditation.
Dates: will be announced
Venue: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Eligibility: Working Professionals under 35 years of age.

This Gita camp is organised with the blessings of Amma, Satguru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, our beloved Sat Guru who inspires us through Her life and teachings of LOVE to achieve great heights in life. This Gita class will be in the light of Amma’s teachings.
Below are some of Amma’s thoughts on Gita:
“The Gita is not asking us to worship a God who is sitting up in the sky on a golden throne. Nor is it asking us to strive to attain heaven after we die. How can you experience peace and happiness right now, right here? That is what the Gita is showing us. The Gita helps us to realize our true Self.”
“Learning Bhagavad Gita is to become Sri Krishna.”
-Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Bhagavad Gita class
By the end of the 3-day camp, the participants should be able to understand one or two key concepts of the Gita and the importance of applying this in their daily life. The camp will also help one to understand the basic teachings contained within Gita so that one will be inspired to go deeper into it.
Br. Dhyanamrita Chaitanya, a disciple of Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi for over three decades, will be giving the class on Bhagavad Gita for this camp. He has been addressing students on various topics of life-management, work-life balance for many years. With small anecdotes and examples, witty notes and vivid explanations, the essential principles are made clear. Students regularly comment that his talks help them think right, ignite their imagination and leaves them motivated to integrate Gita’s valuable teachings into their daily lives.

My Work,My Life
Listen to the inspiring talk by Prasad Deole, Founder of Z-Bac Adventurous Team, Leadership Coach, a practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, has conducted more than 500 outbound experiential learning programmes for Corporates over the last 17 years, will be addressing you about the problems, difficulties and solutions for managing anger.

Yoga for relaxation
Yoga will be taught for relaxation and cleansing your mind and body.
Every session will re-charge you through Yoga & Pranayama.
Yoga acharya Brahmachari Gurudas Chaitanya will make sure that the body and mind are aligned perfectly with the Ma & Om rhythm.
Yoga instructions will be in a manner that makes it easy to follow and enjoyable for the participants.
You will LOVE it.

Shraddha Workshops
The workshop themes include Concentration&Awareness, Life Skills and games. Shri Shankaran Kumaran will be giving classes on these. Studied at Veda Vijnana Gurukulam, Bangalore, Karnataka in the medium of Sanskrit, pursuing PhD in Ancient Indian Gurukulam Pedagogy at SVYASA University. Currently, he is also an organic farmer.

Mind and the medicine
Anger and its Remedies:
Dr Maanasi Menon exploring the dangers of mental instability resulting in physical diseases in the light of medical science and case studies. Dr Maanasi Menon is currently working at Dept. of Integrative medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Kochi.