2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Cook Aloo paratha with love

FeedbackWhen food is cooked with love then the senses ceases its action only heart responds.– Aswathi TS Well I had a good time making paratha and tea. It is helpful for preparing our own food at times of emergency.– Pranav S Cooking the thing given to us was like playing a game, waiting to know […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Swimming with Love

Every day we had swimming classes in the Olympic standard swimming pool at Amrita University. The children were taught to swim through life with Love and with out fear. ==== FeedbackThis is the first time I am entering a water pool. It gave me the feel of water.– Aswathi T.S. It was a little difficult […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Photography: shoot what you Love

A photography workshop was conducted by Br. Dhyanamrita. He explained how to take an interesting photo and what frame of mind one needs. Feedback: One of my interests is photography. Till I attended this class I didn’t know that photography can also be related to Gita. Swamiji taught us how to take good photographs of […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Dance with Love: Workshop on Kathakali and Bharatanatyam

Paris Laxmi and Pallipuram Sunil performed and demonstrated both Bharatanatyam and Kathakali. They performed and shared the Navarasas and various mudras of Kathakali and gave practical sessions of basic steps of Bharatanatyam. During their session, they spoke about Rhythm which is a basic component of dance. They spoke about how practice makes perfection, and the […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Magic by Samala Venu

Samala Venu presented magic for the campers. He shared some secrets with them. The blindfold item was an outstanding performance. ==== FeedbackEven though no one sticks to your side, if in time you feel that the passion of yours is different from the ones that others think, never give up. Go for it, try, and […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Workshop: Evolve from lust to Love

A workshop to understand the difference between Love, Like and Lust was conducted by Br. Mukesh & Br. Dhyanamrita. Examples from Puranas and present world were presented to elaborate the point. Later the students were asked to reflect upon their life too. Feedback: It gave a clear cut difference between these words.– Aswathi TS It […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Shraddha: Building Awareness

Shraddha workshopShankar Kumaran conducted the Shraddha workshop on 2- 4 June 2013. He introduced the Panchakoshas, the five layers of human existence to the campers. His sessions focused on increasing concentration and awareness through various kind of activities. Breathing exercise to control and change emotions were also introduced. Games and classes helped the Yuva to […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Shradda: Connectivity through Innocence and Awareness

Shankar Kumaran conducted the Shraddha workshop on 2- 4 June 2013. He introduced the Panchakoshas, the five layers of human existence to the campers. His sessions focused on increasing concentration and awareness through various kind of activities. Breathing exercise to control and change emotions were also introduced. Games and classes helped the Yuva to realize […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses: Psychology Workshop

Dr Gitanjali Natarajan & Smitha VS conducted a workshop on Psychology. The session initially covered aspects of stress management. They advised the youth not be oversensitive and educated them about the 15 %-20% of youth who suffer from stress due to societal changes and peer group pressures and other factors. They emphasized the need to […]

2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Rhythm of Tabla with Love: Workshop by Muthu Kumar

A tabla workshop was conducted by  Muthu Kumar and his wife Priya Kalyanpur. It was an interactive and entertaining session. They spoke about the need to respect our own individuality and respect our personality. They urged the youngsters to never doubt oneself since it leads to one’s own destruction. They also said that the happiness […]